Before you can start to make a business case for IT modernisation, it’s essential you understand your organisation’s current technical and strategic challenges.
A useful way to get started is by asking yourself a series of questions. Here’s a sample set of questions you could use to get started with a data platform modernisation initiative.
1) How does your annual total cost of ownership for your data platform break down (by percentage) across server hardware, software, storage and operations?
2) How many severs is your data platform installed on and what is the average CPU utilisation across all servers under normal load?
3) What percentage of your database servers are housed:
a. In owned data centres?
b. In externally hosted datacentres in your country?
c. In public cloud environments outside of your country?
4) What are your top three data management challenges?
5) What are your three most important qualities of a modernised data platform?
a. Open
b. Secure
c. Future-proofed
d. Agile
e. Standardised
f. Lower cost
g. High performance
h. Reliable & available
i. Scalable
6) What are the top three internal and most important line-of-business applications in your organisation? What are the most important changes to those apps required in the next 12 months?
7) What are the top three customer facing applications and/or websites in your organisation? How do you expect these to grow and change in the next 12 months?
8) How many DBA/developers do you have in your organisation? How are they organised?
9) How long is your typical development and release cycle for changes or updates to your application databases?
10) How frequently do you patch and/or upgrade your database estate?
Once you can answer all 10 of the above questions, you’ll be in a much better position to evaluate your IT needs and make a case for modernisation.
Click here to learn about modern cloud infrastructure from Microsoft and how to get started with Microsoft Azure.
This article is presented in association with Microsoft Ireland.
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