
TechFire webinar to find where the buck stops in organisational resilience

Panel to discuss ways of decoupling business and tech interests
Image: Stockfresh

4 December 2023

Keeping any organisation safe and secure means handling an array of threats from cyber crime to climate change. With so many threats to business continuity it can be hard to figure out where the proverbial buck stops. If a department has the capability to solve a localised problem it may be diverting resources away from issues faced by the wider business.

This tension between business and IT is most apparent when it comes to organisational resilience where keeping the lights on goes from an abstract concept to a pressing reality.

On 12 December TechFire returns in association with NTT Data to answer the burning question ‘Is organisational resilience an IT problem?’

Joining editor Niall Kitson will be David Tyrrell, vice president, EMEA, NTT Data and Jonathan Law, digital operational resilience programme director at AIB, and Michael O’Reilly, CTO, EMEA, NTT Data for an online, in-depth conversation on the challenges of organisational resilience. 

The discussion will also present the results of a survey of IT professionals carried out by

For more information and to register click here.

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