Pro Defining a continuous testing strategy For the most business value, develop a testing programme based on personas, best practices, and agile principles 3 Jul
Pro Kaizen: the business strategy focused on improvement Offering a more holistic approach, that aims to improve people, processes, and products 18 Jul
Pro Lean Six Sigma: Blending methodologies to reduce waste and improve efficiency Lean and Six Sigma are the perfect pair when it comes to improving customer value by reducing waste, boosting productivity and reducing defects and... 4 Jul
Pro CMMI maturity levels: optimising development processes Capability Maturity Model Integration help organisations establish consistent and reliable development processes 11 Sep
Pro Selecting the right project management methodology Choosing the right PMM is essential for success 25 Jul
Pro Agile’s dark secret: IT has little need for the usual methodologies For all its emphasis on collaboration and time to market, agile is all about product delivery — not business improvement, let alone transformation 3 Apr
Pro IBM, Google, Microsoft and Amazon: machine learning in the cloud Big four cloud giants all offer machine learning as a service, but methods widely differ 1 Mar
Pro How to make your (entire) enterprise more agile Too big, too 'legacy,' too process-oriented for agile dev methodology? Think again 29 Jul
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