Sustaining WFH during Covid-19

Making sure that fully remote working can be sustained during the pandemic
(Image: Savenet Solutions)

5 May 2020

In association with Savenet Solutions

Most companies are under pressure to get a handle on remote working quickly. Every day we are overcoming new challenges, finding new ways of working, new ways of supporting one another. Never before has IT around the world needed to address a crisis in such a short time.

IT is at the heart of our daily working lives, but many businesses out there are patching together their work from home (WFH) solutions. If there are glitches appearing, don’t ignore them! If we have any chance of sustaining current levels of productivity, the best possible WFH solutions need to be in place.

At Savenet Solutions, we have the fastest and most secure path to ‘remotify your IT’.

A secure solution, deployed quickly

Compare our top feature list against your current solution – does your solution stack-up?

  1. File services anywhere – Files can be accessed and shared with anyone from any Windows, iOS, or Linux device. Users enjoy desktop access to any number of cloud-based folders and files, helping companies maximise productivity regardless of the physical storage on users’ laptops. What is more, endpoint backup is delivered through Savenet Solutions’ platform, enabling file-level data protection for remote workers as well.
  2. Secure, private data access – Savenet Fileshares’ data replication protocol acts as a built-in VPN, providing AES-256 encrypted access to the organisations private cloud that no third party can access. Work from home or in fact anywhere outside the office: your files are protected.
  3. Network efficiency and uptime – The same data replication protocol also includes deduplication/network optimisation technologies, which means your users don’t need high-powered home modems and internet connections to work productively.
  4. Unified, modern collaboration –Savenet Fileshares’ software-defined platform allows users to work collaboratively, from anywhere. Remote users’ use the Savenet Fileshare agent and mobile apps and offices’ use the Server sync agents or Edge Filers which all continuously sync with the global file system, this enables any number of users or any number of sites to edit, collaborate, and share files as if they were working under one roof.
  5. Mobile access – Savenet Fileshare Mobile app completes the continuum of simple user access, with full data control from any Android, iOS or Windows mobile device. Even if users use personal smartphones to work, Savenet Fileshare platform sync protocol ensures complete data privacy.

Savenet Solutions is the only platform on the market that does not require users to change the way they work and has the best security features on the market too. As well as being simple to use, it’s just as simple to set-up — your team can be onboarded in 48 hours.

Drive productivity; overcome latency; ensure data security.

Learn how we can help or call us on (01) 526 7750

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