Sun Microsystems has handed responsibility for the management, maintenance and streamlining of its entire collection of printing, copying, faxing and multifunctional products to Xerox. The five-year, multimillion euro deal extends to 119 sites in 31 European countries, including Ireland, and includes the use of Xerox’s Office Services to reduce printing costs, improve financial administration and service levels.
As part of the contract, Xerox undertook an audit of all devices in Sun’s offices and proposed a rationalisation plan to reduce the number of devices being used and re-deploy lesser used devices to as to maximise the use of each individual product. The firm has also taken over the management of the different brands of machine that Sun uses, as well as the consumables suppliers and maintenance contracts.
Larry Matarazzi, director of workplace resources at Sun Microsystems, says that the benefits of the deal have been seen already. ‘Where financial administration is concerned, we’ve gone from having to process over 3,000 invoices per quarter across Europe from all 27 device, consumables and maintenance suppliers, to just once invoice per country per month from Xerox. Secondly, our employees have reported a dramatic improvement in customer service when it comes to device problem resolution across Europe.’ He added that Sun has already cut its document management costs by 10 per cent. . Xerox has committed to eventually reducing Sun’s printing and document management costs by 25 per cent.
Sun also expects to make cost savings through Xerox’s negotiation and buying power for equipment maintenance and other print consumables as well as cutting down on the downtime caused by device failure.
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