Marinara Marcato

SMART Edu Club throws down STEAM challenge for kids

Homeschoolers get weekly content in science, technology, engineering, art, and maths
Marinara Marcato

14 April 2020

A PhD student at the Tyndall National Institute in UCC is running a free weekly online programme for children aged seven years and up on subjects in science, technology, engineering, arts, and maths.

Marinara Marcato, a part-time science teacher, has set up SMART Edu Club to help parents have homeschool their children on topics including binary number and text encoding, data encryption, GPS co-ordinates and systems, and drones.

“With SMART Edu Club we want to create online content and activities that children can do from home with easily accessible household materials. The activities can be done individually or with the guidance from parents,” said Marinara.

“At SMART Edu Club we want to bring scientific topics to life. We want the children to follow a story, engage with our animations and apply what they learn in a practical project. From my experience that’s what the kids enjoy the most, seeing their knowledge come to life,” said Marcato, who is being joined in her effort by fellow students Jean Matias and Vicky Burke.

Prof William Scanlon, CEO, Tyndall National Institute at UCC, said: “Our post graduate students, Marinara and Jean, are outstanding examples of Tyndall’s creativity and collaboration during these exceptional times. It is very exciting to see their initiative presenting such an invaluable opportunity to support the challenge of “home schooling” during the current crisis. We all look forward to following the progress and the success of their enterprise,” stated Prof William Scanlon, CEO, Tyndall National Institute at UCC.

The challenge is running until 25 April at

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