Revenue rolls out new intranet site - TechCentral.ie

Revenue rolls out new intranet site


1 April 2005

The Revenue Commissioners has launched an internal portal site to boost employee productivity and manage the distribution of information at 130 locations around Ireland.

RevNet, developed by management software company Computer Associates (CA) and Irish Internet consultancy firm Strata3, is to become the main method by which Revenue staff disseminate and access internal information. The portal, which is customised for individual Revenue divisions, allows announcements to be tailored and sent to the relevant employees. The internal site also provides a central source of information for research into tax issues, departmental documents and advice for the public.

The project is still being rolled out as the process involves some change management, said Allen Finnegan, head of communications at the Revenue Commissioners. ‘On one day, we have already found that 4,000 of our 7,000 staff had logged in. In the medium term we won’t need to send e-mails to our staff as they will logon to the portal every morning and the information will be there for
them. RevNet will be our main communication tool,’ he told ComputerScope.




The three-section RevNet interface contains a standard Internet Web browser, an internal communication section and a national ‘in the papers’ news section, according to Finnegan. There are also direct links to phone directories as well as to the 50 electronic databases to which the Revenue subscribes, he said.

The Revenue Commissioners used CA’s CleverPath portal technology to provide the structure for the site, and published information into a central library of content. Strata3 worked on the design and customisation of the portal.


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