Roisin Brien, NBI; Sarah McSharry, The KeepWell Mark; Corina Zambra, NBI

NBI earns Ibec accreditation for employee wellbeing efforts

KeepWell Mark assessment takes in physical and mental health strategies
Roisin Brien, NBI; Sarah McSharry, The KeepWell Mark; Corina Zambra, NBI

7 November 2023

National Broadband Ireland (NBI) announced that it has been accredited with Ibec’s The KeepWell Mark, an evidence-based award programme for organisations that adopt policies to make their employees’ wellbeing a priority for their business.  

The accreditation process benchmarked NBI’s performance against eight standards in workplace wellbeing. These areas included leadership, absence management, physical activity, smoke free, health & safety, mental health, intoxicants, as well as healthy eating. 

The accreditation process involved a full audit, evidence-based submissions and employee focus groups, to evaluate the impact of these initiatives. 

NBI’s wellbeing initiatives are centred around a colleague engagement programme, Connected, that aims to promote the benefits of health and wellbeing to all staff.

Daragh O’Mahony, chief people officer, NBI, said: “We know our colleagues are central to our mission of bringing high-speed broadband infrastructure to over 1.1 million people in rural Ireland. Therefore, receiving The KeepWell Mark from Ibec underlines NBI’s commitment to and investment in promoting employee wellbeing. As a relatively new organisation, we deliberately focused on a specific number of target areas, so we could create real impact across the organisation.” 

Sophie Moran, programme manager, Ibec, said: “National Broadband Ireland is to be commended for their concerted effort to improve support for employee health & wellbeing. The KeepWell accreditation process is rigorous, and evidence based. The team at NBI demonstrated a strong commitment to wellbeing throughout.” 

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