Tom Canning

National Broadband Ireland connects first farm

Connection delivers 500Mb/s to rural Cavan
Tom Canning

1 April 2021

National Broadband Ireland (NBI), the company delivering the National Broadband Plan on behalf of the Government, has announced that the first farm has been successfully connected near Crossdoney, County Cavan.

Tom Canning Agricultural Consultants, is the first farm business to be connected to the NBI network by retail service provider Eurona Arden Broadband.

Under the National Broadband Plan, more than 544,000 premises nationwide are included in the Intervention Area, which was established by the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications to identify areas where commercial operators are not currently providing access to high-speed broadband or do not intend to. The project sees NBI delivering minimum speeds of 500Mbps to farms, homes, businesses and schools.

As the biggest investment in rural Ireland since rural electrification, County Cavan itself will receive €65 million of Government investment under the National Broadband Plan to address 16,242 premises.

Tom Canning said: “We are delighted to be the first farm business to be connected under the National Broadband Plan. The need for the farming community to be connected to a high-speed network is vital as administration and the day-to-day running of a farm has moved online.

“For the purpose of my farm consultancy business, I also need a reliable network connection so I can effectively operate business from a rural base and I am already seeing the benefits from this connection. From speaking with others in the farming community, the NBP will benefit them hugely.”

TechCentral Reporters

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