Lero begins social network research for over 50s

Pictured: Áine Phelan, ISAX, Dr Sarah Beecham, Lero, Gary Thompson, IBM, and Prof Ita Richardson, Lero

22 May 2017

Lero, the Irish Software Research Centre, IBM Ireland and ISAX (Ireland Smart Ageing Exchange) have begun a two-year research programme which could result in a new social media platform for people aged over 50.

The Science Foundation Ireland-supported initial research is valued at an estimated €116,400.

“This is more than a LinkedIn, Facebook or online water cooler for those aged over 50, although it may share some or all of those attributes,” said Prof Ita Richardson, Lero co-principal investigator at the University of Limerick.

“Social isolation remains an issue for many older people who still have a lot to offer society but do not necessarily have the means, confidence or encouragement to engage with the wider community through social networking or otherwise,” said programme head Sarah Beecham, Lero.

“While there are over 40 applications specifically designed for older people in different regions of the world, it may be that current technology based solutions are not providing the right answer or are failing to reach the older adult.”

Gary Thompson, IIX technical manager, IBM Ireland, said: “People in their 50s and beyond do not consider themselves old, have a vast array of skills and professional competencies to offer. They have a desire and energy to share their experience with others in their communities. Yet many have trouble finding appropriate ways of meaningfully applying these skills beyond the workplace when they retire or reach a particular age.

“As part of the programme we will work with Lero as they use our Bluemix platform to host a volunteer hub where individuals, local businesses, schools and local communities can come together to enable skill sharing and strengthen community involvement.”

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