Heavy weaponry

International summit wants guidelines for responsible AI use in military applications

Meeting won't have binding resolutions but will provide valuable talking shop for nation states
Image: asim alnamat/Pexels

9 September 2024

South Korea is hosting an international conference starting today in Seoul to establish guidelines for the ethical deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) in military applications. More than 90 countries, including the United States and China, are participating in the two-day meeting. Although the agreement has no binding force, it is hoped to establish minimum safeguards and principles for the use of AI in the military.

The summit takes place amid growing concerns about the potential unintended consequences of using AI in military operations. Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun highlighted the example of Ukrainian AI-guided drones in the ongoing conflict, which he said are a powerful weapon against Russia. He stressed that there must be a balance between taking advantage of AI developments and mitigating potential risks.

Discussions at the summit focused on establishing legal frameworks and safeguards to prevent the autonomous deployment of weapons systems that can make life-and-death decisions without human oversight. The guidelines being developed reflect existing principles established by organizations such as NATO, the United States and several other countries.




The outcome of the summit remains uncertain, as it is unclear how many countries will formally adopt the guidelines tomorrow. Despite the lack of legally binding commitments, the meeting serves as a platform for further dialogue and collaboration among governments, the private sector and academia on the responsible use of AI in the military.

Other international initiatives related to AI in the military are also ongoing. The United Nations is discussing possible restrictions on lethal autonomous weapon systems under the 1983 Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons.

In addition, the United States government has already released a statement on responsible AI use in the military, which was endorsed by more than 55 countries in August.

The Seoul summit emphasises the importance of ongoing discussions with multiple stakeholders, considering the primary role of the private sector in technological developments while emphasizing the government’s responsibility in decision-making on AI deployment in the military.

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