A new research and development (R&D) and innovation strategy from the Institutes of Technology Ireland (IOTI) has been launched to further the partnership between academia and industry, aiming to generate growth and jobs, and makw a major contribution to economic recovery.
The Minister for Education and Skills Ruairi Quinn said the new IoT shared ‘Strategy for Impact-focused Research, Development and Innovation’ reinforce the key role Institutes must play in driving regional innovation.
The new strategy also features more than 30 case studies, covering work with multi-nationals such as UTRC, well-established indigenous companies like Mergon International and Tridelta, and young enterprises which began life in the programmes and incubation centres in the IoTs themselves, like Equiniche Sciences, Radisens Diagnostics and Microgen Biotech.
The case studies also reflect the wider social impact of many of the IoT research projects, showcasing project partnerships with Irish Aid, UNESCO, the Daughters of Charity and hospitals. Presenting evidence of this success and their future commitment to greater industry-academic cooperation is reflected in the choice of Ibec as IOTI’s partner in this launch.
“The new strategy and case studies clearly demonstrate the important role the Institutes of Technology have working with industry and other external partners,” said Minster Quinn. “The fact that the IoTs have come together to set out a clear and ambitious shared strategy for their future work in research, development and innovation is welcome and provides a fantastic foundation to further grow their contribution. The IoTs are at the forefront of change across the education sector.”
“The new strategy sets out a shared vision to deliver strategic and impactful research across the institutes of technology,” said Paul Hannigan, Chair of Institutes of Technology Ireland and President of Letterkenny Institute of Technology. “The new case studies show how the institutes of technology, working with business, can make a major difference to the economic life of their regions. The case studies also profile some of the excellent researchers who are forging international reputations for excellence.”
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