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ICS to develop national digital skills & jobs platform

Project will build on EU digital literacy initiative
Image: Ryutaro Tsukata/Pexels

24 June 2021

ICS has secured funding to develop a national portal based on the EU Digital Skills & Jobs platform for bringing together job seekers, businesses and educators in the ICT sector.

Alongside the Digital Europe Programme and the European Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition, the Platform plays a key role in achieving the targets set within the Digital Decade strategy of ensuring 80% of Europeans have basic digital skills and 20 million employed digital technology experts by 2030.

Funded by the Connecting Europe Facility, the EU Platform brings together a diverse group of digital skills stakeholders from every country in Europe – the Digital Skills & Jobs Community – covering job opportunities, find project partners, share content and resources, and a facility to network with peers and experts. 

The 2020 Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) shows that 42% of Europeans do not have even basic digital skills. 54% of small and medium-sized enterprises who try to recruit digital experts experience difficulties in filling these vacancies. At the same time, information and resources on digital skills, training and funding opportunities are often fragmented and unevenly distributed, especially across borders. Closing the digital skills gap requires a collaborative approach with a single point for high-quality information, opportunities and an engaged community.

Launching the EU platform, Commissioner for the Internal Market Thierry Breton said: “Whether looking for a new job or starting a business, digital skills are key to success. Bringing together hundreds of initiatives from around Europe, the Digital Skills and Jobs Platform is a unique place for citizens to enhance their learning experiences and to discover new opportunities.”

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