HCI Mobile computer gym begins national tour


26 May 2008

Minister for the Information Society, Sean Power, TD, has launched the Home Computing Initiative (HCI) Computer ‘Gym’, a full equipped mobile unit with the latest PCs, laptops, printers and software solutions, on its way around the country.

The Home Computing Initiative (HCI) was launched last April by the Department of an Taoiseach in conjunction with leading Irish IT companies. Samsung, HP, Intel and Microsoft have joined forces to develop the HCI Computer Gym to make it easier for people – particularly those who are not familiar with technology – to purchase a home computer package tailored to their specific needs. The Credit Unions of Ireland are offering members the opportunity to avail of the Home Computing Initiative. There are over 3 million members of credit unions in Ireland.

inister Sean Power, TD, said, “With technology playing such a pivotal role in everyday life, it is often taken for granted that everybody is familiar with computers and how they work. Its important to recognize that this isn’t always the case and that for some people, dealing with technology is a daunting prospect. This initiative aims to reduce the digital divide by facilitating access to technology and all the opportunities it provides.
The Information Society is all about people and an important aspect of the initiative is the availability of staff to discuss options best suited to the consumer. I commend the ICT industry and credit unions for their involvement in this worthwhile campaign.’




he HCI Computer ‘Gym’ will travel to Credit Unions all over the country. It will be fully fitted out with the latest PCs, laptops, printers and software solutions. Dedicated, on-board, staff will be available to advise customers on what computer package best suits their requirements and customers will have the opportunity to try out the computers and discuss how to use all the options available including Internet connection, sending and receiving emails and even how to print digital photographs.

Colin MacHale, Intel, spokesperson for the HCI noted, “We are bringing technology directly to people all over Ireland. Visitors to the HCI Computer Gym will be able to see ‘first hand’ the actual computers on offer as well as the printers and software packages that will be part of their tailored solution. They will have the opportunity to talk to the experts and be shown how to connect to the internet, send emails & print. The plans offered by the credit unions to finance the solutions are a critical element of the initiative designed to make technology accessible and affordable for everyone.”

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