More than half (56%) of Irish workplaces ban all or some social media according to a new Censuswide poll of 500 Irish office workers commissioned by Ricoh Ireland.
Facebook is banned in 47% of workplaces followed by Twitter which is forbidden in 36% of offices. Content sharing platforms Instagram and Snapchat are blacklisted in a third (33%) of offices and instant messaging service WhatsApp is banned in 30% of Irish workplaces.
The survey also exposed a generational divide among those surveyed. 82% of 16- to 24-year-olds said that social media and collaboration technology improved their workplace relationships versus 23% of office workers aged 55 and over.
Just under half (49%) of respondents said they would like to see wearable devices equipped with healthcare apps added to their employee packages. This was more prevalent among women where 56% would like wearable devices in their employee packages, while only 44% of men were interested in this.
Irish employers’ technology also came under scrutiny in the survey, which found that less than a fifth (18%) of office workers rated their workplace’s infrastructure as excellent.
Chas Moloney, director, Ricoh Ireland & UK, said: “Outlawing sites like Facebook demonstrates a draconian approach to social collaboration and prevents employees from developing their own digital workstyles. Businesses should reverse blanket bans on social tools and where appropriate integrate them into office working environments.
“Employees cannot improve their digital dexterity if they are denied access to familiar social tools and platforms that can be used to improve their skillsets.”
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