Greens launch viral video competition


19 January 2009

The Green Party has launched a competition for filmmakers and animators, who are asked to submit short viral videos promoting green messages. First prize is €1,000 and the winner will be selected by delegates at the Party’s Convention in March 2009.

Announcing the competition, Green Party Leader and Minister for the Environment John Gormley said: “We are looking for material from the next generation of filmmakers and animators, who are able to bring to life key green messages with power, originality and humour. The videos can cover a wide range of subjects like community action, energy efficiency, sustainable transport, green lifestyles, locally produced food, climate change, and Ireland’s relationship with Europe.”

“This competition will require entrants to promote their videos amongst their own networks, as the shortlisted entries will be those with the most views on the Green Party’s YouTube Channel. We want to reach out to as many people as possible with these messages and we believe that this competition will help us to achieve that goal. It will also help us to engage with Ireland’s creative community, who I think can help us to better communicate about green issues,” Minister Gormley added.

The closing date for entries is Monday 16 February 2009, and the two videos with the most YouTube views at 5pm on Wednesday 4 March 2009 will be shortlisted and voted on by delegates at the Green Party’s National Convention in Wexford, on 6-8 March 2009.




Full details of the competition and the terms and conditions can be found at

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