Google adds five Glass at Work partners
Last June, Google announced its first set of Glass at Work partners, or companies “authorised by Glass at Work for delivering enterprise solutions for Glass”. (Find more details on those five companies here.)
Five months after the first batch of partners was announced, Google graced five more companies with the official Glass at Work title. Those companies include AMA Medical, Augmate, Interapt, Pristine and Ubimax.
AMA Medical makes medical Glassware (Glass software), for use during surgical procedures; Augmate makes Glassware for use in industrial and manufacturing settings; Interapt makes a variety of enterprise Glass apps and Glassware designed to help athletes train; Pristine’s Glassware is meant for healthcare and medical use; and Ubimax makes software for Glass and other heads-up displays that’s designed for industrial environments.
Consumer interest in Google Glass seems to have plateaued, due in no small part to its prohibitive price tag and Google’s uninspired Glass marketing efforts. Many enterprises, on the other hand, are just beginning or refining pilot programs with Glass and finding clear value in the gadget, particularly organizations in the industrial, healthcare and public safety spaces.
Employees are also interested in using devices such as Glass to help increase productivity and efficiency, but they’re concerned about the associated privacy and security implications, according to a new report from PwC.
You can find more details on the program on Google’s Glass at Work page.
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