Gamers to cash in with new website


22 March 2012

A Cork-based website could save consumers thousands of euro on top console titles by letting gamers set their own prices for unused console titles. is the brainchild of Chris and Kay Lentzy seeks to provide a fairer way to sell unwanted games without dealing with lengthy online auctions or high street retailers. allows users to create an online platform that allows them to set up personal trading accounts, select the games they want to sell at a price they feel is fair and buy new games at better value. The website handles Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Wii, PSP, Nintendo DS and Gameboy Advanced platforms, so far.

It is estimated that the average household has between 20 and 30 unused games, each costing an average of €50 to purchase new. Games shops offer roughly 35% (€18) of the total value of a game still in Top 10 games charts while older games will receive between €3 to €8 against a new game which will then be sold on at three times that by the shop. Therefore, if a household has 20 games with an initial cost €1,000, they would receive just €80 from the games shop, while they could receive up to €300 by selling on the website, which charges 12.5% commission.

Chris Lentzy said: "The overall premise of the site is that it brings buyers and sellers together…. We advise people to set a price between what the games shop offers and what they can potentially sell for. So if someone is offered €4 in the games shop who then sells it on for €12, we recommend that it be sold on for €8." also holds free monthly draws for new games at the end of each month.

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