Phil Codd, Expleo Ireland

Expleo invests in free consultancy services for Covid-impacted firms

Services offered to all sectors including financial services, manufacturing, travel, insurance and IT
Phil Codd, Expleo Ireland

12 August 2020

Expleo has invested €100,000 in a free consultancy service for businesses impacted by the COVID-19 emergency.

The Covid-19 recovery package will include consultancy in areas that are critical to business stimulation; business strategy, digital transformation, change management and business agility.

The investment will cover initial assessment of businesses’ needs, referral to a leading consultant and in-depth business analysis. Services will be offered to businesses of any size operating in all sectors including financial services, retail, manufacturing, travel, insurance, and IT.

This comes as Irish firms continue to suffer from the disruption COVID-19 has caused to day-to-day functions, supply chains and their ability to operate to full capacity. Business group Ibec anticipates that investment will fall by as much as 40% this year and that the economy will continue to be impacted by the pandemic ‘well into 2021’.

As digital transformation is expected to play a central role in economic recovery, Expleo believes its services can give Irish businesses a vital boost. 

“At Expleo, we feel very strongly that the business community needs to work together to overcome the challenges set by Covid-19,” said Phil Codd, managing director for Ireland, Expleo. “We wanted to make sure that we played our part and believe that our experience in helping enterprises across all sectors to digitally transform and manage change will be of great assistance to businesses as they look ahead and prepare for a drastically more digitised world. 

“Economic hardship can inspire great innovation and entrepreneurial thinking. We want to embark on that journey with Irish businesses to help them thrive in the years ahead and make our economy stronger as a result.”

Businesses can register their interest here.

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