Karen O'Connor, Datapac

Datapac’s managed threat ops service analyses more than 380m cybersecurity events in first year

NIS2, DORA expected to drive demand going forward
Karen O'Connor, Datapac

2 July 2024

Datapac’s managed threat operations service has analysed over 380 million cyber security events in it’s first year.

A cyber security event is any activity on an organisation’s network that may be indicative of a security concern, such as a failed login attempt or a login from a different geographical location. Other events in the past year have included suspicious movement within company networks or otherwise unusual behaviour patterns, lateral movement techniques that may be used by attackers to move within a network after gaining initial access, and anomalous user behaviour that may indicate a compromised account or insider attack.

In its first year, the service has been adopted by customers across a broad spectrum of organisation sizes and industry verticals such as legal, the public sector, distribution, construction, retail, hospitality, and not-for-profit. Managed threat ops provides proactive support to businesses of all sizes, including single-site SMBs as well as national and multinational enterprises. Since adoption, some key benefits noted by customers are that the service operates in the background with minimal notifications or interruptions to workflows, and delivers speedy remediation in times as low as 15 minutes in the event of an incident.




In the coming year, Datapac expects a number of key driving factors will contribute to increased uptake of the managed threat ops service. These include new pieces of legislation that are due to come into effect – the NIS2 Directive and the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) – which mandate robust cyber security measures to ensure compliance and security management best practices.

In line with growing cyber threats, cybersecurity insurance is becoming a necessity for more organisations. In order to secure favourable premiums and, in many cases, to secure cybersecurity insurance at all, organisations need to have 24/7 managed threat detection and response in place.

Karen O’Connor, general manager, Datapac (pictured), said: “A key strength of the managed threat ops service is its ability to cut through the cybersecurity noise, as some seemingly benign security events could bypass most traditional cybersecurity systems, posing a risk to data security. More and more organisations of all sizes are realising the benefits that 24/7 managed threat detection and response services can provide in the modern threat landscape.

“Managed threat ops is robust enough to meet the demands of larger enterprises, yet scalable enough to operate within the more moderate budgets of organisations in the SMB space. Going forward, it will also help organisations to remain compliant as new regulations come into force. We’re looking forward to continued success with the service amid increasing demand from customers for proactive and reliable cybersecurity.”

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