Application containers are all the buzz nowadays. They are an easy way to package applications and their dependencies into Linux container boxes and run them anywhere – public cloud, a private data centre or a developer’s laptop.
The problem comes when managing a whole lot of containers together.
There are a handful of platforms emerging for managing containers at scale. Docker – the company that is credited with generating much of the market buzz about containers – has its own tool called Swarm. Google – which has said that most of its internal apps run in containers – has open sourced its own container management platform named Kubernetes.
Now, Kuberenetes got a little bit more enterprise-ready. PaaS vendor Apprenda is acquiring start-up Kismatic, which specialises in commercialising the open source Kubernetes code.
The acquisition highlights a broader trend amoung PaaS vendors to embrace containers. Three of the big PaaS vendors are Pivotal/Cloud Foundry, Red Hat OpenShift and Apprenda. Apprenda’s move to acquire Kismatic is a sign that it is betting big on integrating container management based on Kubernetes into its PaaS. Apprenda announced earlier this year that Kubernetes would be a big focus for its future development. With the acquisition, Apprenda is now offering a commercially-supported Kubernetes distribution.
Pivotal bases its PaaS on Cloud Foundry, another open source platform for building applications and using containers. Red Hat, meanwhile, refreshed its OpenStack PaaS last year to be a container-centric platform.
Expect the container market to continue to be a big deal in the application world. And expect more and more vendors to come out with platforms for helping to manage the complexities associated with running containers at scale.
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