Blogs AI and electric dreams Despite dire warnings from various quarters, there is unlikely to be an AI apocalypse any time soon. The reality is much more prosaic 14 Sep
Blogs Shutdown or meltdown: DC dilemma When faced with meltdown or shutdown, cloud services suffered. But was there another choice? 7 Sep
Blogs Social media madness While heartening to see action on an important issue, the issue itself is somewhat baffling 1 Aug
Blogs Enjoyable or invisible When it comes to account security and passwords, we are still pretty primitive 30 Jul
Blogs Confounding with simplicity Sometimes even Occam’s Razor invites scrutiny, and fuels speculation 10 Jul
Blogs What can go wrong It is time to adjust attitudes to systems failures and their potential consequences, as recent events have tragically shown 8 Jun
Blogs A tale of two services A recent Oireachtas committee has heard how one critical public service is vastly underfunded for ICT compared to another equally vital one 11 May
Blogs Hackers and horror The grim reality of the extremes of war and the consequences of hacking in Syria 11 Apr
Blogs Handling errors Commonalities in recent incidents highlights the need for data management standards, and regulatory compliance 6 Apr
Blogs A solid base for future launches Ambitions for space may seem a stretch, but it is more possible than ever before 16 Mar
Blogs Peering into cloud Even as we adjusted to the hybrid cloud age, is it about to be superseded? 2 Mar
Blogs The cutting edge, blunted Despite computer development continuing apace apace on many fronts, the immediate replacement for x86 seems as elusive as ever 9 Feb
Blogs Public body fine exemption sends the wrong message Data bill fine exemption for public bodies, except where they are competing with the private sector, is a retrograde step 2 Feb
Blogs GDPR: painting a target? Will compliance be a badge of excellence, or a target for attack? 26 Jan
Blogs The art of incident handling There are many sides to handling an unexpected incident, but honesty and respect are still the best policies 19 Jan
Blogs Driverless, serverless, IT-less future? The operatives are giving way to the visionaries 10 Jan
Blogs Intel: WTAF? And you thought a groaning inbox was the worst to greet you after the holidays 5 Jan
Blogs Letting the cables sleep Concerns were for hacking inside the pipes, now fears arise for the pipes themselves 15 Dec
Blogs GDPR: don’t wait, act now Until you know what you have, you can't hope to know how much you have to do 1 Dec
Blogs Cryptocurrency – real concerns The full implications of cryptocurrencies for security are only just emerging 17 Nov
Blogs The database state Violations, abuses and screw ups dominated the public PSC debate, but no credible alternative was offered 10 Nov
Blogs Autonomous apps: who’s in control? Does autonomy for applications take control from the administrator, and does it matter? 27 Oct
Blogs Through an app, darkly Concepts rarely hit the road as they are shown, and that may not be all that bad 13 Oct
Blogs The communication conundrum Why do we still struggle for effective communication between the business, IT and the C Suite? 22 Sep
Blogs PSC, identity and services: a rant Once again, a good idea badly implemented and poorly communicated rears its head in Irish public services 1 Sep
Blogs Tracking trends and developments From the obvious to the welcome, there's a lot going on right now 25 Aug
Blogs Missing the point somewhat New report shows rise in phishing and related activity, but ‘sophisticated’ interpretations fail 18 Aug
Blogs An echo of opening shots Ransomware or cyberweapon? There is some argument over the nature of the recent NotPetya outbreak 3 Aug
Blogs Thorny issues, risky outcomes The industry is falling into old habits, and faced with unknowable risks 21 Jul
Blogs IoT: Do it, but do it well With a perfect storm of failure waiting, it cannot be either or when it comes to the Internet of Things 30 Jun
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