Blogs Apple’s ‘haves’ and ‘have mores’ Cupertino exists in two price brackets and 'affordable' isn't one of them 11 Sep
Blogs CAO points a mixed bag for STEM This year's CAO offers are good news for students but offer little insight into the popularity of STEM careers 21 Aug
Blogs Will VR send us further down the rabbit hole? If social media helps us ignore people we disagree with, blended reality could give us the ability to opt out of dialogue altogether 15 Aug
Blogs Irish millennials shun ‘chocolate factory’ effect Young people are more interested in developing their careers than working in novelty offices 27 Jul
Blogs Insurers ready blame game over self-driving cars Don't expect big savings when self-driving cars go mainstream 22 Jun
Blogs A Surface-level analysis Consumer appetite for emerging tech might outpace the successful tablet's pace of innovation 26 May
Blogs Microsoft’s Surface laptop is not reassuringly expensive A premium laptop is not a great way to launch a campaign targeting the low-end of the PC market 8 May
Blogs Future imperfect The Irish tendency towards cynicism belies a healthy appetite for innovation 19 Apr
Blogs Advertising works YouTube's reliance on technology over common sense has cost it millions 27 Mar
Blogs Where and when is up to you Candidates beware, who you've worked for can end up working against you 9 Mar
Blogs Why drone deliveries won’t take off Not everything needs to arrive in 30 minutes or less 22 Feb
Blogs Robot rights debate happening a decade too soon The EU’s work on electronic personhood has plenty of time to mature 23 Jan
Blogs ICT recruitment a classic case of tail wagging the dog The Digital Divide isn't narrowing and employers are paying for it 10 Jan
Blogs Don’t take our word for it on fake news Trump's election victory has proved the need for better tech to help the media do its job 14 Dec
Blogs A nation still divided Fibre broadband successes are masking the ongoing problem of poor connectivity in rural areas 15 Nov
Blogs It was Twitter wot won it Trump's rise to power was a spectator sport played in 140-character chunks 9 Nov
Blogs Wake in flight Twitter won't be able to turn its business around until it gets tough on trolls 26 Oct
Blogs Apple and the way we live now A smaller iPad Pro, a workhorse laptop with fewer ports - is this is what passes for innovation in Cupertino? 6 Oct
Blogs LRC report offers hope in war on trolls It's time online offenses were treated with the same severity as those beyond the keyboard 27 Sep
Blogs When secure doesn’t mean private Everyone has a secret identity, make sure yours is kept that way 19 Sep
Blogs When outsourcing goes bad Warners has learned the downside to automation in the fight against piracy 6 Sep
Blogs How the other half think School leavers: Don’t get sucked into the left brain/right brain fallacy, you need all of yours to be successful 22 Aug
Blogs RootMetrics report puts mobile operators on the spot Research firm’s first Irish study says what we were all thinking about network investment 9 Aug
Blogs Worker, upskill thyself Forget education as a finite process - if you want to excel it should become a lifestyle choice 29 Jul
Blogs Why LinkedIn won’t be another Nokia for Microsoft Redmond is playing to its strengths in buying a social network for professionals 16 Jun
Blogs Spare the banhammer, spoil the commenter An EC-sponsored code of conduct gives clarity on how to handle hate speech online 2 Jun
Blogs Facebook finds news is more complicated than algorithms Automation can’t filter out human biases, so embrace them 17 May
Blogs National Broadband Plan ditches own roadmap The dream of high-speed connectivity for all is on hold 27 Apr
Blogs Drones sometimes smarter than their operators A near miss at Heathrow proves you can’t legislate for idiocy 18 Apr
Blogs Are bots the new apps? Messaging service Kik's latest trick is connecting users to machines, not each other 7 Apr
Blogs DoJ claims victory, wins nothing The US government sought a legal endorsement of its war on encryption and all it got was an unlocked iPhone 29 Mar
Blogs Apple resizes expectations with latest iPad, iPhone Cupertino is bucking the trend of associating larger screens with greater functionality 22 Mar
Blogs I like it, but do I €900 like it? HTC's Vive VR offering is lacking for only one thing: content 29 Feb
Blogs End of Picasa another nail in the desktop’s coffin Is the age of client software coming to an end? 16 Feb
Blogs Eircode and the geographical format war The ‘world’s best postcode’ system fails the same tests suffered by entertainment media of the past 26 Jan
Blogs All about the numbers Computing courses have a student retention problem and the state has only itself to blame 12 Jan
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