Apple Card

Apple wants everyone to have an Apple Card – even if they were declined the first time

Path to Apple Card programme helps users improve their financial health
Image: Apple

1 July 2020

Apple is not in the business of shutting people out of its products, but it is not in charge of its credit card, Goldman Sachs is. So if you have poor credit you might be shut out of getting your very own titanium Apple Card. But a new program spotted by TechCrunch wants to change that.

Apple has begun sending out invitations to enrol in Path to Apple Card, which “provides customised steps to help you get approved for Apple Card in the future.” Upon successful completion of the programme, you will be given a personal invitation to reapply for an Apple Card.

The steps outlined by Apple will be familiar to anyone with credit issues and include things like making payments on time, lowering credit card and loan debt, and resolving past-due balances.  

The thresholds for completion of the program will vary by applicant, but one of the requirements is to make on-time payments for four months, so the process will not be quick. However, Apple says you can reapply for an Apple Card at any time during the program. Once you are approved for an Apple Card, you will be able to access other benefits, including daily cashback, fee-free transactions, spending summaries, and transparent interest rate charges.

But beyond the goal of getting an Apple Card, the new program will be good for anyone looking to get their finances in order. The steps outlined are designed to improve your overall credit score, which will have a positive impact on your overall financial health.

IDG News Service

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