App Wednesday
Let’s Grow!
For: iOS
Let’s Grow! challenges players’ skill in growing, composing and styling different flowers and leaves, and posing them in various pots and environments. The final result can be shared with friends and family on Twitter or Facebook, or it can be saved on the iPad to create HD wallpapers or virtual postcards.
In this new version the player now gets to level-up and achieve titles and special items by solving 20 different design challenges. Each challenge can give up to five stars; precisely how many will be decided by the app’s community, as everyone will get the opportunity to both be inspired, but also to judge other players´ creations.
For: Android, iOS
Dubbed a ‘PVR for the Web’ by the New York Times, Pocket (formerly Read It Later) is a way to compile reading lists and make them available across devices. Better than merely copy and pasting a link, Pocket will reformat anything your material into an attractive magazine-style layout.
For: Android, iOS
This mobile music game uses notes as prompts on screen for the user to tap and win points. Cytus ditches the Guitar Hero aesthetic for static science fiction backgrounds with fast finger prompts that use the whole screen, and a soundtrack that veers from house music to J-pop.
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