AI, automation putting pressure on IT pros to change their approach to networks - TechCentral.ie

AI, automation putting pressure on IT pros to change their approach to networks

TechBeat with Agile Networks looks towards a world of self-diagnosis and repair at scale
Image: Stockfresh

24 May 2022

The move towards hybrid networking has created new challenges for IT admins looking to build, maintain and protect infrastructure. Furthermore, new technologies like artificial intelligence and automation are creating networks that are fast to deploy, can self-identify problems and even correct them without the need for human interaction.

So how can organisations successfully implement emerging technologies without erasing the need for human expertise – or are we on the verge of IT admins requiring an entirely new set of skills?

TechBeat and Agile Networks are polling IT professionals for their opinions on how they see the networking landscape in 2022. One lucky respondent will win an Apple Watch SE.

To take part click the link here.

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