Dr Mubashir Husain Rehmani, Munster Technological University

MTU lecturer wins Connect centre’s education and public engagement award

Dr Mubashir Husain Rehmani recognised for promoting of work-life balance in research careers
Dr Mubashir Husain Rehmani, Munster Technological University

14 September 2022

Dr Mubashir Husain Rehmani from the Dept of Computer Science at Munster Technological University, has been announced as winner of this year’s education & public engagement award by the Sscience Foundation Ireland’s Connect centre for his work as a spokesperson for achieving a work-life balance in research.

The goal of education & public engagement (EPE) in science is to bridge the gap between what scientists do and how the general public views it. In recent years, public engagement has become an important component of the role of a scientist. Engaging, listening to, and communicating with the general population (from science communication in science centres, festivals, schools and workshops, to consultation and public dialogue) can broaden research perspectives, thus enhancing the quality of research and its impact. In addition, taking time to explain scientific research to the general public can result in greater relevance, accountability and transparency, which is particularly important when research is conducted with public funds.

The Connect award is the latest in a line of honours for Dr Rehmani, whose academic career includes being named among the best researchers in the world in both 2020 and 2021 when he was selected for inclusion on the annual highly cited researchers list from Clarivate.

Dr Rehmani’s work focuses on wireless networks, blockchain, cognitive radio networks, smart grid, and software defined networks. He has written over 132 peer-reviewed articles, of which eleven feature among highly cited articles by Clarivate, and he has authored and edited eight academic books. His research work has been recognised internationally and he is the recipient of several best paper awards, as well as serving in an editorial role for a number of prestigious international journals.

Dr Rehmani said: “This award endorses my thinking, what I always ask myself and teach to others: what is the benefit of our research for the society, humankind, and the general public?”

Dr Seán McSweeney, Head of the Department of Computer Science at MTU, said: “Dr Rehmani’s excellence in teaching, research and engagement while remaining humble and open represents the very best of what an academic staff member can be at MTU. His engagement activities continue to enrich and grow both academic and public knowledge of the valuable scientific advancements occurring both in MTU and the state and their impact on our shared future.”

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