TCD student named as second LulzSec suspect


7 March 2012

Following on from yesterday’s report about the arrest of LulzSec members in the US, UK and Ireland, it has been confirmed by Trinity College’s University Observer that Irish man Donncha "Palladium" O’Cearbhaill is an 18-year-old student of Trinity College reading Medicinal Science. According to his LinkedIn profile O’Cearbhaill was a a panelist at 2011 Hack The World at the F.ounders conference, had received a STEM scholarship from Offaly County Development Board and has worked for as a Web developer. 

A press release by the FBI said the Birr native faces charges of computer hacking conspiracy and intercepting a wire communication between Gardai, US and UK cyrbercrime agencies on 17 January. If convicted in the US he faces a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison.

A socialist activist and member of the DU Pirate Party, O’Cearbhaill is the son of Offaly County Councillor John Carroll.

Gardai have confirmed only that a suspect is being questionned as part of ongoing investigations into computer hacking.

The LulzSec group was smashed after it emerged that its ringleader, Hector Xavier Monsegur, turned against the group following his arrest by the FBI last June.

TechCentral Reporters



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