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  • Thu

    ISA executive programme: Implementing product management


    Excellent product management is critical to the success of any business. This workshop is for leaders of organisations who want to create, develop, launch and ‘lifecycle’ profitable products.

    Through active discussions and team-based exercises, the workshop is designed for supervisory managers who want to be better able to guide, coach, and develop their product management team. It will also address the needs of leaders from other functions who want to align around the business principles of Product Management.  

    The exercises contained in this workshop are designed to engage participants in discussions that will better align colleagues across the organisation so that the most important enablers are put into place, resulting in better business decisions, improved market agility, and positive business outcomes. The workshop is designed to deliver a step change in product management productivity.

    This workshop is not designed to teach product management. For an overview of product management see our Scala Executive series ‘Quickstart Product Management’ workshop which is also delivered by Steven Haines.

    For more information visit http://www.isa-skillnet.com/course/110/implementing-product-management-(scala-product-management-series)-/

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